is a loving wife, mother and grandmother who has been
on her Spiritual journey for the last 3 years, raising her awareness and coming into Oneness with all that is.
She has been moved by Spirit to share her writing here to help shift the vibration of the planet as we move from the 3rd dimension to the 5th dimension and bring the Sacred Feminine back into balance to heal the Earth and Humanity.
Karen volunteers at The Sanctuary Healing Therapies & Gifts on beautiful Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
is a loving wife, mother and grandmother who has been
on her Spiritual journey for the last 3 years, raising her awareness and coming into Oneness with all that is.
She has been moved by Spirit to share her writing here to help shift the vibration of the planet as we move from the 3rd dimension to the 5th dimension and bring the Sacred Feminine back into balance to heal the Earth and Humanity.
Karen volunteers at The Sanctuary Healing Therapies & Gifts on beautiful Cape Cod, Massachusetts.