Climbing Roses

Oh Dear Creatures of the Earth, Are we not all like
the climbing roses on a vine, reaching towards our heavenly home with our dearly loved parents?
Each of us deserves to be anchored securely and lovingly on the trellis of life; searching for the stars that we came from and belong to. We are magnificent in our glory as humans and as galactic starseeds.
We bring beauty and life to our Mother Gaia, for she values our gifts and our preciousness. Each of us like a bud ready to open into our loveliness, adding to the beauty of this lovely Garden of Eden. Each of our fragrances blending into the perfume of love. Our petals are the softest to touch; not to be bruised or trampled but to be nurtured and admired.
What momentous times that the rose is to be held up and exclaimed for her loveliest qualities; for she is the rose of peace.